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Set up Option set

How to create option set:

Step 1. Go to Option set page, click on Create option set button:

Step 2. After clicking on the Create option set button, you will go to the option set editor

From the option editor, you will see 2 sections:

Options list on the left to manage all added options in this option set

Preview product page on the right to preview how all added options displayed on your live store

Step 3. Click on the +Add new option button and select an option type from the dropdown underneath

Tepo Product Options provide 11 types of option that you can choose to expand your customers choices on product page, including:

Single-line text: show an input field for customers to change the text. It is used for one-line text only.
Multi-line text: similar to single-line text but customer can enter multi-line text
Photo upload: show a field to let customers upload their photos. The uploaded photo can be cropped
Toggle: show a toggle for customers to enable or disable an option.
Image swatch: show a group of images for customers to choose between.
Color swatch: show a group of colors for customers to choose between.
Checkbox: show an input type with square boxes that allows a customers to select one or more options.
Radio button: show an input type with small circles that allows a customers to select one option value at a time.
Dropdown list: show an expanding menu that allows a customers to select one value from a predefined list.
Inline button: show option values as buttons that allows only one option value at a time.
Static elements: show input types as heading, description and HTML

Step 4. After choosing an option type, you'll see all general settings for this option.

(These settings will be a little different between each option type)

Option title
This will show on your product page above the values of your option.

Option values
For option types of Image/Color swatch, Checkbox, Radio button, Dropdown & Inline button, you will need to add option values which your customers can choose from
Click on +Add new button to add more option values

Optional settings
Select pre-select value if needed
Mark as required: Make this option compulsory, customer select an option or fill in the field before adding item to cart
Additional charge: Linking option value with existing product variants to add charge
Show tooltip: Add tooltip text or short information for the option
Custom class: used for custom CSS styling for the option
Conditional settings: Add rules to show this option based on previous selections

Learn more on how to work with conditional logic

How to publish option set

Step 5. Click on Select products to apply this option set

a. Apply on products

You can search and choose products by picking one by one Manually or select all the products from the list to assign this option set in bulk.

b. Apply on specific variants

Now, you have the ability to apply an option set to specific variants within your Shopify products. Simply choose the option "Specific variants" > "Choose Product". A list of products will then be displayed, allowing you to select/search your products and the specific variants to which you want to apply the option set.

c. Automated apply

Or clicking on Automated button and add add a condition by which to select matching products using Title/Type/Tag/ Vendor. Existing and future products that match the conditions will automatically be applied this option set.

You can find the Type/Tag/ Vendor in the Product section of your Shopify Admin page.

c. Apply to all products

You can quickly apply this option set to all products in your store.

→ Click Apply to save the selected products or to save the added conditions.

Step 6. Finally, click on Create button to create and publish this option set to the selected product pages

→ If you have activated the app in the current theme, you can see them on the storefront now!

→ If not? Please take 1 minute to activate app in current theme

You can now see your fantastic work on the product page!

Learn more: How to change options position on the product page?

Hopefully this instruction has helped you. Things change all the time, so if you run into issues please don't hesitate to share them with us at or use the in-app live chat. We're happy to lend a hand 🤩

Updated on: 12/04/2024

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